4 december 2011

Office Amsterdam at Museum square (Gabriel Metsustraat 8 1th floor)

Johan Deumens Gallery
Gabriel Metsustraat 8
1071 EA Amsterdam

T: +31 (0)6 19 19 58 05

Opening hours: by appointment only


23 juni 2011


klik op afbeelding om deze te vergroten

Onlangs vond de opening plaats van onze tijdelijk presentatie op de Herengracht nr. 48 in Amsterdam.

Graag attenderen wij u op de middagen dat wij aanwezig zullen zijn en u zonder afspraak de tentoonstelling kunt bezoeken.

Deze dagen staan vermeld in de afgebeelde uitnodiging. U dient dan echter wel aan te bellen.

Op desbetreffende dagen is het mogelijk om aan een rondleiding deel te nemen, Ik zal deze om 13.00 uur starten. Een aanmelding voor de rondleiding en de gewenste dag zou ik graag per e-mail ontvangen.

Het is tevens mogelijk om t/m 3 juli een afspraak in overleg te maken per e-mail of telefoon.

Welkom en tot ziens

12 mei 2011

New Book by Ton Martens

Book: The Paper Monument of The Wall of Nagata-ku, Kobe, Japan by Ton Martens

"During my first working journey to Kobe in 1995 I met the japanese artist Taiji Mihara by Yasuko Nakanishi of Gallery Mssohkan. They showed me 'The Wall' which was saved after the Great Hanshin Earthquake, like it was saved after the bombing of Kobe in 1945 by the Americans. Mr Mihara wanted to keep this wall as . . . The Non-human Witness of the Quake. . . But the municipality of Kobe decided to build houses on this spot. I suggested to make a 'paper monument' of the wall. By rubbing the complete wall onto paper. Unfortunately, in 1995, there was no time left anymore. But I promised that I would come back later. It took me one and a half year to find enough subsidies and sponsors in Holland. In Japan Yasuko and Michiru Nakanish found sponsors by 'The One-sheet-campaign'. From February 19 till March 11 1997 I worked on this project with help of so many." Ton Martens
This book shows all the 76 sheets [size 217 x 97 cm] and some collages, in an edition of 24 copies.


Aline Thomassen

Solo exhibition Aline Thomassen in Gallery Shart Casablanca

Je suis toi- Enna Enti

from May 19 to June 19 2011.

Openinghours 10am - 12.30pm and 3.30pm - 7.30pm. Closed on Sunday and Monday.
Adres: Gallery Shart 12, rue El Jihani, Casablanca, Morrocco.
phone: +212 05 22 39 49 80


Spring gallery Tour 2011 great succes.

The Spring Gallery Tour in the Spinnerei in Leipzig was a great succes. Have a look at some of our photo's
David Krut Projects http://gallery.me.com/deumensjohan/101286 and
Edition Jacob Samuel http://gallery.me.com/deumensjohan/101277

entrance gallery

Chris Burden

Upstairs editions by Jacob Samuel

24 februari 2011

be.long | be.longings

Tentoonstelling van Annesas Appel en Giene Steenman in de Vishal Haarlem


De tentoonstelling be.long be.longings is te zien van 26 februari tot en met 3 april 2011. De opening is op zondag 27 februari om 16.00 uur.

The exhibition be.long be.longings runs from february 26th till april 3rd 2011.
The opening will be at february 27th at 4 pm.

de Vishal, Ruimte voor Beeldende Kunst, Grote Markt 20, Haarlem.

20 januari 2011

Kleiner Winterrundgang Spinnerei Leipzig

Here you can have look at some images of the exhibiton in Leipzig. http://gallery.me.com/deumensjohan/101121

Until 13 March 2011 we will show work by Kasper Andreasen, Anett Frontzek, Hans Scholten.

Impression Winterrundgang Saturday 15 january by Barbara Wrede –
Barbara Wrede – olompia.blogspot.com: Kleiner Winterrundgang Spinnerei Leipzig

6 januari 2011

Winter Gallery Tour 2011 Leipzig

All galleries and showrooms open new exhibitions.

January 15 2011. On both sides of the Road

In our gallery in Leipzig we will present work by Anett Frontzek, Hans Scholten and Kasper Andreasen.

More about Spinnerei: